Comment Policy and Guidelines
I love hearing from my visitors in the comment box!
However, the comment box could become sadly in many occasions a place for harassment and bullying. So let's make this a place of fellowship and growth. I would love to learn from you too!
I've listed some clear guidelines below for what is allowed, and more importantly what isn't allowed in the comment box at the Loads of Laundry Piles of Books blog: (Note: Please read the section titled "No Personal Attack Comments Permitted" and remember that this is my family and a little glimpse at our lives that I am sharing here and not a generic "resource website.")
Comment Form Guidelines: The comment form must be filled in with a proper or legitimate sounding name and URL. Comments using keywords, spam or splog-like URLs, or suspicious information in the comment form will be edited or deleted.
Email Privacy: Email addresses are required for commenting, and they are not published on the blog, nor shared. They may be used by the blog owner to privately contact the commenter.
Commenter Privacy and Protection: All email, snail mail, phone numbers, and any private and personal information posted in any comment will be deleted as soon as possible to protect the privacy of the commenter. To prevent such editing, never share this private information within the blog comment.
No Personal Attack Comments Permitted: This blog is a digital scrapbook for our family. As much as I love and enjoy sharing what we have been up to, I do not welcome debates or attacks on me, my family, or my faith in my comment box. I do not claim to be an expert on any topic I blog about, nor do I have any sort of authority in the Church. I am just another Catholic mother doing my best to raise the children God has blessed us with and entrusted to our care. Even though many will visit this blog looking for ideas to incorporate in their own homes, just because I post something doesn't mean it is the best option, or that it is even a good idea. I want my children to look back and read through the posts and your comments. In short, any comment that I do not want my children to read will not be published.
Blog Nicknames: Please refer to my children by their blog nicknames. All comments that include their real names will be edited or deleted.
Language and Manners: This blog is “family friendly” and comments which include offensive or inappropriate language, or considered by the blog owner and administrator to be rude and offensive, will be edited or deleted.
Questions: I will do my best to try and include as much information and links in my posts, when possible. If I missed something, you are more than welcome to post follow-up questions in the comment box. If you have a question, chances are you are not the only one. Therefore, I would much rather receive your comments on my blog than via email. It is a better use of my time to address everyone at once rather than answer several emails.
Comment Spam: Any comment assumed to be possible comment spam will be deleted and marked as comment spam.
Commenters Blocked: Anyone who violates this Comment Policy may be blocked from future commenting on this blog.
Responses to Comments: Comments on this blog will only be responded to in direct response to the blog comment when possible. I will not respond privately via email or other communication method to a blog comment, so be sure to check back or subscribe to replies if you leave a question. If I haven't responded to your question, please feel free to send me a reminder.
All Rights Reserved: I reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments and block certain IP addresses as necessary. By leaving a comment, you also grant me a license to post your comments. This license is worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free. You grant me the right to store, use, transmit, display, publish, reproduce, and distribute your comments in any format, including but not limited to the blog, in a book, a video, or presentation.
Hold Harmless: You retain ownership of your comments. I do not own them and I expressly disclaim any and all liability that may result from them. By submitting a comment on this blog, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold this site, Loads of Laundry Piles of Books, and all subsidiaries and representatives harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability.
Trackbacks Are Comments: All trackbacks will be treated inline with the above Comment Policy.
Social Media: You are more than welcome to follow me at Instagram, Pinterest or on the Loads of Laundry Piles of Books Facebook Page.
I LOVE getting comments, questions, and emails. I really do! I will work hard to answer as many comments and emails as possible. I DO read every single email (and comments too!) but if I tried to reply to every single one I wouldn't have any time left to live the life I blog. Please accept my sincere apologies if you haven't heard back from me and thank you for understanding! You are welcome to email me again if you'd like.
Thank you again for your time and understanding as we pursue to make this site a place of fellowship and inspiration.