You can say I took the number line literally!
As we started to review the numbers from 1 to 10 with my little ones, I wanted to show them a way to visualize the numbers in order, as well as to introduce the number line. So I took recourse on the word "line" and made it out of a string or rope and began to populate it with wooden numbers (these wooden numbers can be found at the Dollar Store) held by clothespins (numbered clothespins are from Target's dollar spot)
I allowed them to wonder what it was first, and then we chose the beginning and the end of the line. Once decided on where to start, they placed the first number: 0.
One by one the numbers were placed and they began to anticipate the notion of number sequence.
I found out that this method allows them to understand the abstract idea of numbers and the spacial placing system we know as "the number line",
We counted up and down our line and also tried a little skipping!
I know we will use this resource more than once or until they feel more confident. Maybe we will try other venues too, but so far this little craft was fun to set up, easy to manipulate and understand.
Number lines can help review the ideas of before and after, less and more, increase and decrease. The number line is the basic foundation to learn addition and subtraction. The daily practice of this exercise can help develop an understanding of number relationships.