Happy Feast of The Transfiguration ⛰️☁️
What a festive weekend we just had! Saturday with the Feast of Our Lady of Snows and today with the Feast of Transfiguration!
We decided to celebrate them both today with fluffy meringue clouds! ⛅️
The Feast of Transfiguration is such a wonderful consolation!
The apostles witnessed the glory and radiant splendor of Jesus' divinity. A foretaste of the kingdom!
The Transfiguration took place at a critical moment in the life and ministry of Jesus. He realized that, in Jerusalem, he would meet the fate the prophets fortold about Him. He had already warned his disciples, and they had hard time accepting it.
As St. Leo the Great taught in his sermon: “The great reason for this transfiguration was to remove the scandal of the cross from the hearts of his disciples, and to prevent the humiliation of his voluntary suffering from disturbing the faith of those who had witnessed the surpassing glory that lay concealed."
This magnificent event was a wonderful grace and spiritual consolation for the apostles who at the moment of the Transfiguration, only wished to remain in that glory. They got caught in the glimpse of His transcendent beauty and emerged renewed.
May our struggles also meet God's consolations right when we need them. God's goodness never leaves his children forsaken!
Like the apostles, our souls sometimes wish to remain in those glorious clouds, but we must remember that our work and fight continues, and the glimpse of transcendent beauty of the Transfiguration is meant to make it shine around us to overcome all fear.