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Happy Feasts of Mary: Her Nativity and Her Holy name.

Writer: Liz SchulteLiz Schulte

"Your Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, was the herald of joy to the whole world; since from you arose the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, who, destroying the curse, bestowed the blessing, and confounding death, rewarded us with life everlasting."

Our liturgical Celebration on the Feast of The Nativity of Our Blessed Mother Mary reminded us of the many beautiful invocations we pray when we call for her intercession.

The Litany of Loreto gives us all the invocations set before us about Mary. Mary's exalted privileges, her holiness of life, her amiability and power, her motherly spirit, and queenly majesty. With this in mind, I became inspired by the lovely printables made by Shower of Roses here and decided to organize a liturgical tea around this theme for The Feast of the Nativity of our Blessed Mother.

The titles that inspired our liturgical tea were the following:

  • Morning Star: For this title, my oldest daughter made blue meringues that resembled clouds or the sky, among decorative golden stars.

  • Mystical Rose: Here I made strawberry roses held by toothpicks

  • Holy Mary: As suggested by the Shower of Roses post we were able to find "Maria" cookies

  • Tower of Ivory- House of Gold: We made cheese towers, and to get the gold color we used the cheddar kind.

  • Health of the Sick: Salad! is always healthy.

  • Queen of Martyrs: For this title, my daughter baked us vanilla cupcakes with red icing to symbolize the martyrs and golden crown candles for Our Queen!

  • Vessel of honor: Here, we simply used water glasses.

  • Mother Most Pure: Madelines in vanilla frosting.

"...For behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed... " Luke 1:48

The Most Holy Name of Mary said devoutly, is a Prayer!

In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection, you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favor, you shall reach the goal.” - St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Below this beautiful litany, it reflects the nature of the Feast.

For private devotion.


Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Son of Mary, hear us. Son of Mary, graciously hear us. Heavenly Father, of Whom Mary is the Daughter, have mercy on us. Eternal Word, of Whom Mary is the Mother, have mercy on us. Holy Spirit, of Whom Mary is the spouse, have mercy on us. Divine Trinity, of Whom Mary is the Handmaid, have mercy on us. Mary, Mother of the Living God, pray for us Mary, daughter of the Light Eternal, pray for us Mary, our light, pray for us Mary, our sister, pray for us Mary, flower of Jesse, pray for us Mary, issue of kings, pray for us Mary, chief work of God, pray for us Mary, the beloved of God, pray for us Mary, Immaculate Virgin, pray for us Mary, all fair, pray for us Mary, light in darkness, pray for us Mary, our sure rest, pray for us Mary, house of God, pray for us Mary, sanctuary of the Lord, pray for us Mary, altar of the Divinity, pray for us Mary, Virgin Mother, pray for us Mary, embracing your Infant God, pray for us Mary, reposing with Eternal Wisdom, pray for us Mary, ocean of bitterness, pray for us Mary, Star of the Sea, pray for us Mary, suffering with your only Son, pray for us Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow, pray for us Mary, torn with a cruel wound, pray for us Mary, sorrowful even unto death, pray for us Mary, bereft of all consolation, pray for us Mary, submissive to the law of God, pray for us Mary, standing by the Cross of Jesus, pray for us Mary, Our Lady, pray for us Mary, Our Queen, pray for us Mary, Queen of glory, pray for us Mary glory of the Church Triumphant, pray for us Mary, Blessed Queen, pray for us Mary, advocate of the Church Militant, pray for us Mary, Queen of Mercy, pray for us Mary, consoler of the Church Suffering, pray for us Mary, exalted above the angels, Mary, crowned with twelve stars, pray for us Mary, fair as the moon, pray for us Mary, bright as the sun, pray for us Mary, distinguished above all, pray for us Mary, seated at the right hand of Jesus, pray for us Mary, our hope, pray for us Mary, our sweetness, pray for us Mary, glory of Jerusalem, pray for us Mary, joy of Israel, pray for us Mary, honor of our people, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Assumption, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Angels, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Dolors, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Victory, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of La Trappe, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Divine Providence, pray for us. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O, Lord Jesus. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O, Lord Jesus. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O, Lord Jesus. Son of Mary, hear us. Son of Mary, graciously hear us. I will declare your name unto my brethren. I will praise you in the assembly of the faithful.

Let Us Pray (Oremus)...

O Almighty God, Who beholds Thy servants earnestly desiring to place themselves under the shadow of the name and protection of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, grant, we beseech You, that by her charitable intercession, we may be delivered from all evil on earth, and may arrive at everlasting joys in Heaven, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.



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