"Today I want to look like love
I want to sound like love
I want to speak like love.
Too often I look like worry, impatience, and agitation. I rather look like love.
Too often I sound like arrogance, selfishness, and greed. I rather sound like love.
Too often I am all about productivity, efficiency, and time management. I'd rather be all about love.
It is not easy choosing love, it takes time, effort, thought, patience, and self-control.
but the payoff is huge.
Choosing love for myself and for those in my path means:
a better morning,
a brighter outlook, a deep connection,
a softer place to lay my head at night.
I can be anything today.
I am going to be love, how about you?' - Rachel Macy Stafford
As we start Lent "the dry season of the church". Let us remember that God calls us to dive into the mystery of His sacrificial love.
We don't need to go great lengths to achieve a glimpse of it. Yes, is there, at the heart of the home, where we have been planted. With our family, neighbors, and friends, we can imitate the struggle of our nature. That sacrifice that calls us to surrender to a higher way to love. That sacrificial love that teaches us that small renunciation to ourselves, to our will, can be ever so fruitful in charity towards others.
Small acts of love can overcome the struggle of our nature. Because it is in the little things that we slip, that we struggle, that we tangle... but it is also, in the little things where we can conquer...
I have kept this quote to ponder during Lent, because it sounds current, it applies to my daily life. l can see myself slipping into my accustomed failings, and yet...
The answer is so simple...
I'd rather be and look like love... I can make this choice deliberately and generously. How about you?
May your lent be blessed and fruitful!